Use our calculator to plan your gifting budget.
Use CalculatorA campaign includes one gift amount to recipients in one country. For instance, you’re sending $50 gifts to recipients only in the U.S.
Need to send more gift amounts or countries in a specific campaign? No problem! You can purchase campaign boosts for $250 each. This will let you add more gift amounts or recipient countries.
Unclaimed gifting budget refers to the value of gifts you’ve sent that aren't claimed. On average, 70-90%of recipients claim Unwrapit gifts, thanks to email reminders, custom messaging, and the fun and personalized gift experience.
While some of our partners have hit impressive rates of 100% gifts claimed, in many cases, you’ll have some gifting budget that goes unused. To reduce wasting this budget, we plant trees or make charitable donations with 15%-25% of the unclaimed gifting budget (depending on your plan) and use the rest to power Unwrapit’s operations.
As another option, you can opt to roll forward your unclaimed budget to future campaigns. This is the default for custom plans. In this case, we charge 15% of the total gifts claimed on top of the platform fee, or a lower percentage if you’re sending more than $25K in gifts.
Want to talk this through? Book a demo and ask us about your pricing options.
You bet! We offer a 15% platform discount to fellow B Corporations, 1% for the Planet members and non-profit organizations. Mention this when you connect with us, and we’ll make sure to update your prices accordingly.
Reach recipients with gift options curated just
for them, wherever they are, instantly.
Better yet, let them choose.
Reach recipients with gift options curated just
for them, wherever they are, instantly.
Better yet, let them choose.